Headshot of Joseph Hensel
Headshot of Joseph Hensel

Joseph Hensel

Project Estimator

Introducing Joseph, our woodworking wizard and quiet powerhouse at Buffalo Construction, Inc. With a chisel in one hand and a blueprint in the other, he's a true master of his craft, creating pieces that would make even the most persnickety buffalo nod in approval. With his trusty chihuahua sidekick, Gretchen, by his side, Joseph navigates the world with a soft-spoken charm that belies his extraordinary talents. A devoted father, he beams with pride as his son struts his stuff in the bustling streets of LA's fashion realm, a testament to Joseph's unwavering support and guidance.

Joseph finds solace in rolling up his sleeves and immersing himself in his projects, head down and determined. Recently, he added a touch of vintage flair to his life, embarking on the restoration journey of a '61 Thunderbird – a true labor of love. Fueling his quiet conquests is none other than his faithful elixir, Mountain Dew, a morning ritual that kickstarts his day.

Joseph's capacity to grasp new skills defies the ordinary, much like his record-breaking feat at BCI. In his inaugural month, he shattered expectations by clinching the title for the fastest project ever awarded by a new estimator. A testament to his self-starter mentality and quick-witted acumen! We are lucky to have Joseph on our team!

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