Headshot of Deanna Garcia

Deanna Garcia

Project Accountant

Introducing Deanna Garcia, a project accountant with a knack for balancing the books and bringing a dash of organization to every aspect of life. Hailing from the charming town of Vinecrest, Kentucky, Deanna's southern roots run deep, but her heart extends all the way to California, where her two sons proudly serve their country. With one donning the uniform of a Marine and the other navigating the seas as part of the Navy, Deanna's maternal pride knows no bounds.

When she's not crunching numbers or keeping the team on track, you'll find Deanna indulging in her passions for planning, cleaning, and bringing people together. As the mastermind behind countless family gatherings and the go-to puzzle connoisseur, Deanna's attention to detail and penchant for organization shine through in everything she does. And while she may have a weakness for sugar and a lifelong love affair with midnight, Deanna's unwavering compassion and dedication to her loved ones make her an invaluable asset to the Buffalo Construction, Inc. family.

The highest standards in construction, communication, and client relationships.

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