Mike Vosseler smiles as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.
Mike Vosseler smiles as they stand in front of a statue of a buffalo.
Caricature of Mike Vosseler hunting, wearing camo and a bright orange vest, while deer surround him.

Mike Vosseler

Project Superintendent

Mike has over 35 years of experience in the construction industry working in a wide variety of roles. 19 of those years, he served as a Superintendent building restaurants, high-end retail, and everything in between. For the other 11 of those years, he worked on the owner side of projects, which helped him become an even more extraordinary Superintendent. He knows how to build and meet owners’ needs—and he does them both so well!

Mike enjoys hanging out with his family, camping and shooting guns in his free time. Mike hails from Lakewood, California, and is a LA Galaxy Fan. He has a wife, 4 children, 2 grandchildren and another one on the way!

The highest standards in construction, communication, and client relationships.

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